The Stimson Center is open for viewing of the exhibition by appointment only, from Monday to Friday, between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm. All visitors are encouraged to be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccination. Please contact gallery director Halley Stubis at or call at 202-232-8734 to set up an appointment.
Bridging the Disconnect
A Group Photography Exhibit featuring
Gary Anthes, J.S. Herbert, and Jo Levine
Curated by J.S. Herbert and Halley Stubis
April 6, 2023 - July 6, 2023
“High Contrasted Image” by J.S. Herbert
“Crazy Quilt” by Jo Levine
“Tonle Sap Lake and Village of Kompong Phluk, Cambodia” by Gary Anthes
Bridging the Disconnect is a reflection on how our environments shape us, and how technology, or the lack thereof, impacts our cultures and wellbeing. Taking a look through the lenses of Gary Anthes, Jo Levine, and J.S. Herbert’s cameras, we have the opportunity to see across the world, if just for a moment. How do our lives differ from others’, and how do these differences show up in the physical cities we live in? The Stimson Center’s mission is to promote international security and shared prosperity through applied research and independent analysis, global engagement, and policy innovation. Studio Gallery’s photographers offer their own artistic perspectives on these themes through this special body of work, focusing visually on urban architecture across the world and the people living amongst it. From Cambodia to Mexico to Washington D.C., the contrast in advancement is clearly evident. With this special photography exhibit, we hope to bring awareness to these societal imbalances.
Thursday, May 11th from 5-7 pm at the Stimson Center. RSVP and by invitation only;
to request an invitation, please contact Halley Stubis at