Studio Gallery is open to the public Wednesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays from 1pm to 6pm and on Saturdays from 11am to 6pm. Masks are recommended but optional. To schedule a guided visit, please contact or call (202) 232-8734.
Lisa Battle
Curated by Martina Sestakova
October 30th - November 23rd, 2024
Oceana by Lisa Battle
All living beings are connected and depend on each other and their environment to survive. In Greek philosophy, this idea was expressed as anima mundi -- an intrinsic connection between all living beings. In modern times, the Gaia hypothesis describes the Earth as a complex, self-regulating system where living organisms have a synergistic relationship with their environment. Being intertwined has profound implications in human relationships, in international relations, and for the survival of our planet. In a time of risk and uncertainty, it is imperative for us to learn to coexist and to find balance. Installations in this exhibition highlight interactions between the parts of a whole, evoking the extraordinary ecosystems that give us life and bind us together. The ceramic sculptures celebrate connectedness as a vision for a future in which the interdependence of humans and the natural world is prioritized.
First Friday
November 1st
6-8 pm
Opening Reception
Saturday, November 9th
4-6 pm
Artist Talk
November 16th
4 pm
Third Thursday —-
Closing Reception
November 21st
5-8 pm
In the Lower Gallery
Something Old, Something New
Photographic Art from Members of the Studio Gallery
Organized by Jo Levine
Curated by Martina Sestakova
October 30th - November 23rd, 2024
(Left to Right, Clockwise: Nice Beach by Bob Burgess, The Cape by Judy Bonderman, Coexistence I (Lamma Island and Tai Mei Tuk, Hong Kong) by Amity Chan, After Hours by Gary Anthes, Organic fossil by Suliman Abdullah, Mors Vincint Omnia (death conquers all) by Lynda Andrews-Barry, Pops by Beverly Logan, The Angel by Leslie Kiefer, Reverie by Jo Levine, Journey 1 by Lisa Battle, Transcendentalist by Iwan Bagus, Crisco, Mystery House, Abita Springs, Louisiana by Susan Raines, Revelation Artifact by Langley Spurlock, Untitled 2024 by Steven Marks, and Inspirations by Suzanne Goldberg)
This show features photographic art created by members of the Studio Gallery. The theme challenged gallery members to try out new ideas. Artists took diverse approaches to the theme, such as using photo software to alter reality; switching to a different color palette or to black-and-white; choosing subjects new to them; creating photo collages; or combining digital technology with traditional media.
However, language and art can be open to many interpretations. In this case, some members interpreted the theme to encompass photographic subjects that were themselves old or new (or both), such as colorful weathered sandstone, or old roots and new leaves.
First Friday
6-8 pm
Opening Reception
November 9th
4-6 pm
Third Thursday
November 21st
5-6 pm
Closing Reception
November 23rd
4-6 pm