Studio Gallery is open to the public from Wednesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays from 1pm to 6pm and on Saturdays from 11am to 6pm. Masks are recommended but optional. To schedule a visit, please contact or call (202) 232-8734.
Myth and Memory
A Winter All Members Exhibit
Curated by Carolee Jakes and Sabiha Iqbal, coordinated by Lynda Andrews-Barry
November 23 - December 17, 2022
"Primary Memory" by Jennifer Duncan
We form memories continuously throughout our lives, consolidating them over time into broad understandings of the world around us. Collectively they become our sacred stories, parts of us, indeed what defines us. The combined memories of a group or culture – often mixtures of fact and fantasy – become the lessons and the wisdom of that group, sometimes in the form of legends or myths. Myths can be suffused by the supernatural, the unreal. But they are real to us in important ways. They establish and perpetuate cherished traditions, traditions that will nourish us throughout life and on into the next generation. -Gary Anthes
This Winter All Members Exhibit will showcase works taken from our collective of 60+ local artists. We hope you will join us!
Opening Reception:
Saturday, December 3rd
4-6 pm
Closing Reception:
Saturday, December 17th
3-6 pm