Five Works of Art to Inspire Your Summer Vacation

What’s not to love about summer? Those of us who are DC-natives might say the humidity, and we can’t really argue with that. If you’re guilty of running your air conditioner all day in the heat, raise your hand - mine is right up there with you!

Hey, though - the positive effects of the summer sunshine definitely outweigh the negatives. You can hit all of DC’s amazing local landmarks, catch up with friends and loved ones, or even just stretch out on the couch and binge-watch a favorite show (thank you to Netflix, official sponsor of lazy days off). Or, if you’re the type to pack everything up, pull out a map, and hit the road, you can use this time to travel and explore new places. If that sounds like you, this post should get you inspired as you strategize your summer travels!

Studio Gallery represents over forty local contemporary artists, and many of them venture to the farthest corners of the planet in search of new subject matter, cultural influences, and (of course!) fun. The joy of travel is encaptured in these five works, and we suspect it might be contagious. Pack up your sunscreen and your passport, because after seeing these, you may want to be ready to hit the airport.

Misty Spring, by Freda Lee-McCann. Ink and watercolor on rice paper. 18" x 13". $300. Buy it.

Misty Spring, by Freda Lee-McCann. Ink and watercolor on rice paper. 18" x 13". $300. Buy it.

There’s something so soothing, yet so exciting about this work by Freda Lee-McCann, Misty Spring. Don’t you just want to conquer that mountain and take a peek from the top? China’s ancient cultural heritage and spectacular natural sites are reason enough to visit - and an escape to a remote mountainside where you could ditch all distractions? Now, that sounds like a vacation!

Spice Baskets - Marrakesh, by Andrea Rowe Kraus. Linoprint. 19" x 21". $450. Buy it.

Spice Baskets - Marrakesh, by Andrea Rowe Kraus. Linoprint. 19" x 21". $450. Buy it.

Marrakech is a popular spot for a myriad of reasons, but one of the biggest draws is the incredible maze of markets. This Andrea Rowe Kraus piece, Spice Baskets, Marrakesh has us dreaming of delicious spices and fantastic finds. Pro tip: an Arab marketplace or bazaar is called a souk. Now you’re in the know!

Monument Valley, by Gordon Binder. Pastel on peach-colored paper. 9" x 12". $325. Buy it.

Monument Valley, by Gordon Binder. Pastel on peach-colored paper. 9" x 12". $325. Buy it.

If slapping on some sunscreen, busting out your hiking boots, and wearing a layer of sand sounds like a good time, Monument Valley, Utah might just be the place for you. You can also learn about the rich Native American history of the area - as the Navajo Nation has called this place home since prehistoric times. This Gordon Binder piece, Monument Valley, makes a strong case for a trip to see the sights - and to wash off all the sand in one of the lakes afterwards, of course!

View from the Office, Negril, Jamaica, by Lisa Allen. Photograph, archival pigment print. 11" x 14". $125. Buy it.

View from the Office, Negril, Jamaica, by Lisa Allen. Photograph, archival pigment print. 11" x 14". $125. Buy it.

Some of us (including yours truly) prefer a more relaxed, kick-back-on-the-beach style vacation. Where better to let go of all the stress than Jamaica? Miles of beaches, gorgeous sunsets, fabulous shopping - need I say more? This Lisa Allen photograph, View from the Office, Negril, Jamaica, is a little slice of a perfect, beachy bliss.

38th and 8th (East), by Gordon Binder. Oil on paper. 12" x 9". $385. Buy it.

38th and 8th (East), by Gordon Binder. Oil on paper. 12" x 9". $385. Buy it.

You don’t always have to go far to have a good time. If you live in the DC, Maryland, or Virginia area, New York City is just a train ride away! With a breathtaking skyline, the ubiquitous yellow cabs, and too many activities for a human person to ever complete in one trip, this bustling city always has something to offer. This Gordon Binder piece, 38th and 8th (East), is a classic New York City sight. Doesn’t it make you want a bagel? I know I do!

From Staff Contributor Svetlana Shaindlin.

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