Studio Gallery is open to the public from Wednesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays from 1pm to 6pm and on Saturdays from 11am to 6pm. Masks are recommended but optional. To schedule a visit, please contact or call (202) 232-8734.
What We See
Beverly Logan
Curated by Mary Welch Higgins
June 21st - July 15th, 2023
“Annapolis” by Beverly Logan
Beverly Logan’s work addresses an increasingly troubling twenty-first century question: what can we believe?
Are we so overwhelmed with fake news, artificial intelligence and social media that we can no longer decide what is real?
Logan’s work interacts with this dilemma by offering images that at first appear straightforward. Yet, something is off. Trees grow out of city streets; a meadow juts up against a village sidewalk; New Yorkers teeter on the steps of a subway entrance.
By combining fragments of photographs Logan has taken over the past forty years, she creates stories that although based on reality are not. Moreover, once the composites become etched in our memories the conundrum of what is real and what isn’t persists.
Logan invites you to take the time to first look at the images and then to see them.
Opening Reception:
Saturday, June 24
3-6 pm
First Friday:
Friday, July 7
6-8 pm
Closing Reception:
Saturday, July 15
3-5 pm
In The Lower Gallery
Pam Frederick and Veronica Szalus
Curated by Craig Cahoon
June 21st - July 15th, 2023
"Somewhere in the City (detail)" by Pam Frederick
“way-up” (detail) by Veronica Szalus
Pam Frederick and Veronica Szalus are launching their third installation revolving around the urban environment. This is a continuation of a theme that began with their first project, Urban|Remix in 2022. Their collaboration explores a dynamic combination of free-formed organic shapes, color, dissected images, and dimensional intersections. Using graphics printed on present-day cardboard packaging for consumer goods, windows are built into what we consume, transforming this action from individual moments to a collective collage exploding with color that examines how and what we consume.
Frederick’s seven-foot-long sculptural mural, Somewhere in the City, is composed of found cardboard with cut-outs, papers and mixed media to create a 3-D effect.
In Urban|3.0, Veronica Szalus dramatically deconstructs large-scale cardboard boxes in way-up to create a dimensional dialogue in curved forms that radiate from the floor to the ceiling.
Frederick and Szalus’ work riffs in a call and response to these discarded materials and consumer waste challenges. Throughout the exhibit, the artists invite the viewer to consider the interconnectedness among urban consumption through re-contextualized consumable packaging that surround us and through a re-purposed cycle allows the viewer to become a witness to materials that can sometimes even seem to consume us.
Opening Reception:
Saturday, June 24
First Friday:
Friday, July 7
6-8 pm
Closing Reception:
Saturday, July 15
In The Garden Gallery
Pond Reflections
Susan Raines
Curated by Deborah Addison Coburn and Miriam Keeler
June 21st - July 15th, 2023
“Pond with Lily Pads and Tree Reflections” by Susan Raines
I have a log cabin in Rappahannock County, Virginia, that sits on a small pond. The cabin was built about 40 years ago from the trees that were cut down to build the cabin.
When my husband and I first bought the cabin 21 years ago, I was disappointed that there was no view of the Blue Ridge mountains. But I soon came to realize that there was always something happening in and around the pond and it was even better than having a view.
Because I have not been able to travel much during Covid, I began photographing the pond as it was a good subject close at hand. The pond reflections change with the seasons and many times during each day with the light and the wind.
First Friday:
Friday, July 7
6-8 pm
From the Heart
Halley Sun Stubis
Curated by Deborah Addison Coburn and Miriam Keeler
June 21st - July 15th, 2023
“Gray Area” by Halley Sun Stubis
Asian American artist Halley Sun Stubis paints from the heart in this exhibit, showing artworks that depict scenes rich with symbolism and explore topics such as family history, emotions, and spiritualism. Varying shades of blue and lavender bring a sense of mystery and sentimentality throughout the works, and a spotlight is put on portraiture and elements of the natural world. Dreamlike in nature, “From the Heart” is a love letter to the beautifully mysterious aspects of humanity going back many generations.
First Friday:
Friday, July 7
6-8 pm
Opening Reception:
Saturday, June 24
3-6 pm